
Earthquake in Turkey and Syria: several children rescued on Friday, keeping hopes alive

Several earthquakes struck Turkey and Syria early on Monday 6 February.
Estimates, still provisional, put the death toll at more than 24,000.
Nevertheless, 120 hours after the tragedy, the search is intensifying, and living children were pulled from the rubble on Friday.

Several children were pulled alive from the rubble on Friday 10 February in Turkey and Syria, five days after the earthquake that killed more than 24,000 people. On the same day, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights called for "an immediate ceasefire in Syria to help support the disaster-stricken population.

Several rescues on Friday

On both sides of the border, thousands of homes were destroyed and rescue workers are stepping up their efforts to find survivorsEven though the crucial 72-hour window for finding survivors has closed. However, on Friday, a six-year-old boy, Moussa Hmeidi, was pulled alive from the rubble, to cheers, in the north-western Syrian town of Jandairis, according to an AFP journalist. He was in a state of shock and had facial injuries. 

In the south of Turkey, in Antakya, "at the 105th hour After the earthquake, rescuers pulled an 18-month-old infant, Yusuf Huseyin, from the rubble of a building, and then, twenty minutes later, his brother Muhammed Huseyin, according to the NTV television channel. Two hours earlier, Zeynep Ela Parlak, a three-year-old girl, had already been rescued in this city devastated by the earthquake.

In the Gaziantep region (south-east), Spanish soldiers also rescued a mother and her two children from the rubble on Friday afternoon. In Nurdagi, in the same province, Zahide Kaya, six months pregnant, was pulled out alive after some 115 hours under a pile of ruins, according to the Anadolu agency. An hour earlier, her daughter Kubra, aged six, had also been rescued.

And while the search for survivors continues, according to the latest official figures, the 7.8-magnitude earthquake, followed by around a hundred tremors, killed at least 24,000 people.

Text TF1 info by Pierre Antoine VALADE

NBA: LeBron James, a record for the ages

Stratospheric: LeBron James has become the NBA's all-time leading scorer. With 38,390 points, the Lakers player has overtaken Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's record.

LeBron James did it with 10:9 remaining in the 3rd quarter of the Lakers' 133-130 home loss to Oklahoma City. It was a successful turnaround shot that suddenly stopped time, the match and the breath of some 20,000 fans - including celebrities such as Jay-Z, LL Cool J, John McEnroe, Magic Johnson and wealthy people who paid up to 24,000 dollars for a seat - in a Crypto.com Arena in meltdown.

Still striving for excellence at the age of 38, 'King' James, the man with a host of other records and 4-time champion, achieved this long-term feat in his 20th season, scoring the required 36 points.

So it was time for a break to celebrate James' achievement, and he was overcome with tears as his family and friends came to share the emotional moment, immortalised by cameras and mobile phones.

He also thanked"Lakers faithful, one of a kind" . Not forgetting Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who came along to pass on the torch. " Being in the presence of such a legend means a lot to me. It's a great lesson in humility. Please give the captain a standing ovation!" .

A tough brand to beat

Last week, James agreed that he was aware that he was taking on ". one of the greatest records in sport in general, one of those that you think will never be beaten" . The facts prove him right, as the throne has only changed hands once since 1966, when Abdul-Jabbar overtook Wilt Chamberlain, now 7th on the all-time scoring list.

Text by RTS.ch agences/tai

American youtuber Mr.Beast helps 1,000 people regain their sight

Le créateur de contenu américain s’est servi de sa notoriété et de ses moyens colossaux pour réaliser une vidéo particulièrement émouvante.

Avec ses 130 millions d’abonnés, Mr.Beast ne cesse de mettre en place des concepts toujours plus impressionnants pour divertir sa communauté. Cette fois-ci, il s’est lancé le défi de permettre à 1000 personnes aveugles de retrouver la vue, en finançant les opérations nécessaires.

Des réactions extrêmement positives sur les réseaux

Les personnes prises en charge dans cette vidéo ont pu retrouver la vue grâce à une opération bien spécifique. Il s’agit de personnes dont le cristallin est devenu opaque, un handicap que le chirurgien soigne en aspirant la matière présente sur cette partie de l’œil et en le remplaçant par un cristallin artificiel.

En plus de cette opération déjà lourde financièrement, Mr.Beast a également offert à certains patients dans le besoin des grosses sommes d’argent pour financer leurs études ou venir en aide à leur famille. Il va même jusqu’à offrir une Tesla à un jeune participant à l’expérience.

La force de cette vidéo, c »est de voir un millier de personnes avec la vue corrigée, qui peuvent enfin voir le visage de leurs proches et entamer une vie plus simple. Pour certains, ce handicap était un énorme poids dans leur vie, qui les avait empêchés de poursuivre leur travail, ou de vivre pleinement.

Sortie il y a deux jours, la vidéo compte déjà 44 millions de vues et a suscité des réactions extrêmement positives sur les réseaux sociaux :

Avec un peu d’espoir, plus de créateurs de contenu avec autant d’impact prendront exemple et participeront à ce genre d’initiative.

Texte by radiofrance.fr