Coronavirus: no general confinement in Switzerland, groups of more than 5 people fined

With the FOPH now reporting 4,840 positive cases of the coronavirus, the Federal Council is banning gatherings of more than five people in the country and releasing €32 billion for the economy. Relive the press conference.


End of press conference

The press conference is now over. We are therefore bringing this live broadcast to a close. Thank you for tuning in, and have a responsible weekend.


And in the car?

"It's not up to the state to decide how people behave. We're really appealing to people's sense of responsibility. But it's not the best time to put a sick person with a cough together with three healthy people."


"We need common sense

Alain Berset points out that in countries that have declared general confinement, many activities are permitted. "We're not saying that elderly people shouldn't go out for a bit of exercise or walk their dog. But common sense is needed.


The Swiss stranded abroad

"We are aware that everything is closing down at international level," says Alain Berset when asked whether the Confederation will come to the aid of Swiss nationals stranded abroad. "We need to look at what can still be done when everything is becoming blocked."


Towards other support measures?

Self-employed people who do not meet the criteria could be seriously affected, or even go bankrupt. "We are ready to analyse and devise other measures. It's an ongoing process," says Guy Parmelin. 


"The whole population must respect the measures".

"We have to get to a point where the whole population respects the measures," says Alain Berset. "Solidarity doesn't just mean making a speech on 1 August.


Geolocation used?

"There is no question of using personal data to monitor people", exclaims Alain Berset, adding that no legal basis exists in Switzerland. "The idea is not to use what is happening in real time.


"We still have to do something for those who don't understand".

"The police will deal with the fines," replied Alain Berset to a question on the subject. "They have been working hard over the last few days, in particular explaining the social distance to people."

"I'm impressed to see how things are going on the streets: during rush hour in Berne, I've noticed that it's being implemented quite well. But something still needs to be done for those who don't understand, or don't want to understand", added the Federal Councillor.


No general containment to ensure long-term survival

Without an announcement of a total curfew, some people would not take the situation seriously. "We need people to get on board," exclaims Alain Berset. "The countries that have decided on total containment have done so until the end of the month or for the next few days in April. This timeframe will be too short. We have to hold out for the next few weeks.


"We've caught up

Alain Berset acknowledges that the Federal Council is trying to improve its system of communication between the various players in the healthcare sector.

"It's not that we're not up to date. We had a backlog of entries, but we have made up for it," defended Daniel Koch, head of the FOPH's Communicable Diseases Division, adding that the figures are correct.


Damage to the economy

"The medium- and long-term damage is very difficult to measure," explains Guy Parmelin. "It will depend on how long the epidemic lasts.

"We can reckon on a loss in Swiss GDP of €30 billion," adds Eric Scheidegger, Chief Economist at the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs.


Containment is not necessary?

"The measures we have in place seem to me to be well calibrated and well monitored," says Alain Berset. "Behaviour will make the difference, not political decisions. The reality is how people behave to slow the spread of the virus."


"This is an extremely strong restriction on individual freedom".

Why didn't you ban gatherings of more than five people earlier? "It's an extremely strong restriction on individual freedom", replies Alain Berset, "Imagine if six months ago we had banned this type of gathering in the public space. It's a difficult measure that requires an extraordinary situation.

From midnight onwards, a group of young people hanging around the station could be fined CHF 100 per person, added the Federal Councillor.


And the big families?

Are families of more than 5 people affected by the ban? "Gatherings of people can cause the virus to spread," explains Alain Berset. "We need the public to accept this in order to curb the spread of the virus. We have noticed that these provisions are not respected in public places.

"But you have to keep common sense," he added. "It's not a problem for a family of five children to stay together." Nevertheless, he reminds us that social distance and hygiene measures must be respected.


"We're calling on the elderly to stay at home".

On Thursday, the canton of Uri banned anyone over the age of 65 from going outside. But the Confederation is not formally banning them. The message is clear: we are calling on the elderly to stay at home," explains Ueli Maurer.


Now it's time for the Q&A.


Cash for business

"Thousands and thousands of companies will receive money next week," says Ueli Maurer. "Within half an hour, the money can be obtained." The banks have received instructions on the subject.

"We'll have to see over the next few weeks whether the 20 billion will be enough," concluded the Federal Councillor.


"The financial centre is in very good shape".

"We have all done our duty and implemented all the necessary measures. The financial centre is in very good shape", assures Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer.


Ueli Maurer takes the floor.


Concerning rents

"The current situation is causing problems with rents," says Guy Parmelin. "It is essential that tenants talk to landlords. I call on all parties to work in a spirit of compromise."


Culture, sport and tourism

Guy Parmelin presents the support measures for culture, sport and tourism.

Independent artists in particular will be compensated. CHF 270 million will be allocated to artists in difficulty. With regard to sport, CHF 100 million is already available for sports organisations. As for tourism, 530 million francs will be invested in the regions.


No apprentice redundancies

Guy Parmelin announces the measures relating to work and in particular short-time working. "There is no reason to make apprentices redundant", he said.

Companies hit by the crisis will be able to temporarily defer payment of social security contributions (AVS, AI, APG, AC) without interest. These measures also apply to self-employed workers whose turnover has fallen.

Short-time working for temporary workers

The right to compensation in the event of reduced work will be extended. Short-time working can now be granted to temporary workers. Loss of work will also be counted for apprentices. The waiting period for entitlement to short-time working has been abolished.

Parents who have to stop work to look after their children are entitled to compensation. The same applies in the event of a medical quarantine.


 "Help is on the way 

"There will be measures for sport, culture and tourism. Help is on the way," says Guy Parmelin. "The Federal Council and the cantons are committed to helping those affected as quickly as possible.


32 billion more for the economy

"An additional CHF 32 billion will be allocated to those affected and to the Swiss economy," says Guy Parmelin. "We are all directly or indirectly affected.


Guy Parmelin takes the floor.


A call to responsibility

"We have to show that we are capable of taking responsibility. People over 65 need to protect themselves and stay at home. The younger generations are also concerned. It's a question of responsibility", said Alain Berset.

"It's time to show what we can do.


"We don't play politics for show".

For Alain Berset, the difference with neighbouring countries is that "we are not engaged in show politics or announcement politics. What matters is that the public support these measures over the next few weeks.


What about general containment?

Alain Berset is coming on board. "It's a discussion we've had. We have come to the conclusion that what we are doing in our country is very close to what neighbouring countries are doing. But what is essential is what the Swiss do in relation to these measures."


"It's the last moment to apply these measures".

"Gatherings of more than five people, including spontaneous gatherings, are prohibited throughout the country", says Alain Berset, pointing out that the cantonal police can impose fines if this rule is not respected. "This is the last moment to apply these measures.


Alain Berset pointed out that the Federal Council had taken strong measures on Monday, "necessary to curb the spread of the virus".



Alain Berset points out that this can only work if all Swiss people pull together. He called for solidarity and reminded everyone that everyone is affected. In particular, he thanks all those who have offered to help. He also took the opportunity to thank other people.


"The next few days will be difficult

Alain Berset took the floor to announce that the Federal Council had taken strong measures to limit the spread of the coronavirus. "We must do everything we can to ensure that our healthcare facilities are not overloaded", he declared. "This is a serious time. The next few days will be difficult.


Because of the coronavirus crisis, the Federal Council will now hold two weekly meetings, on Wednesdays and Fridays.


The press conference is about to begin. The Federal Councillors get ready and collect their notes.


Fines for groups of more than five people

The Swiss have escaped the general lockdown. However, the Federal Council decided on Friday to tighten the measures: gatherings of more than five people are banned. Such groups will be liable to a fine.

32 billion for the economy

On Friday, the Federal Council released a further CHF 32 billion to support businesses. This is in addition to the CHF 10 billion already made available to the economy.


The Swiss have escaped the general lockdown. However, the Federal Council decided on Friday to tighten the measures: gatherings of more than five people are banned. Such groups will be liable to a fine.



Welcome to our website and apps for live coverage of the Federal Council's press conference on the coronavirus. Berne will be announcing the new measures that will be applied in Switzerland to prevent the spread of the virus.

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