Coronavirus: better than hydroxychloroquine, cannabis.

Canadian scientists have discovered that 13 varieties of cannabis could prevent Covid-19 infection.

What if, after hydroxychloroquine was called into question by the WHO, all eyes were now on cannabis? Surprising as it may seem, Canadian researchers have just published a study affirming the benefits of the plant against coronavirus, reported The Next Web.

According to their study, which has yet to be verified, scientists have identified thirteen varieties of cannabis sativa that are effective not in treating but in preventing infection by the virus. By modulating the ACE2 enzyme, cannabis is thought to limit the entry and proliferation of SARS-CoV-2 in the lungs.

The non-psychoactive substance (CBD) extracted

To achieve this result, the Canadians extracted cannabidiol (CBD), the plant's non-psychoactive substance, from 800 varieties of cannabis. These varieties are not sold on the market and were developed by the researchers. 

CBD-based treatments are nothing new. For several years now, therapeutic cannabis has been prescribed across the Atlantic for the prevention of certain diseases. In some cases of cancer or epilepsy, it is recommended to help patients cope better with therapies and their side effects. Its virtues are even said to reduce migraines and headaches by half.