
American youtuber Mr.Beast helps 1,000 people regain their sight

The American content creator used his fame and colossal resources to produce a particularly moving video.

American youtuber Mr.Beast helps 1,000 people regain their sight

With 130 million subscribers, Mr.Beast is constantly coming up with ever more impressive concepts to entertain its community. And this time, he has set himself the challenge of enabling 1,000 blind people to see again, by funding the necessary operations.

Extremely positive reactions on the networks

The people featured in this video have been able to regain their sight thanks to a very specific operation. These are people whose crystalline lens has become opaque, a handicap that the surgeon treats by sucking out the material present in this part of the eye and replacing it with an artificial lens.

In addition to this already financially onerous operation, Mr.Beast also offered some patients in need large sums of money to finance their studies or help their families. He even went so far as to offer a Tesla to one of the young people taking part in the experiment.

The power of this video is that it shows a thousand people with corrected sight, who can finally see the faces of their loved ones and begin a simpler life. For some, this disability was an enormous burden in their lives, preventing them from pursuing their work or living life to the full.

Released two days ago, the video already has 44 million views and has received an extremely positive response on social networks:

Hopefully, more content creators with as much impact will follow suit and take part in this kind of initiative.

Text by radiofrance.fr