
SpaceX's giant rocket, the third Starship test flight, has been "lost".

SpaceX's huge Starship rocket, which will eventually be used for journeys to the Moon and Mars, was "lost" during re-entry into the atmosphere on its way back down to Earth, the company said on Thursday. However, it flew much longer on this third test flight, as the previous ones ended in explosions.

"The craft has been lost," announced a commentator on the live video feed from billionaire Elon Musk's company. "So no water landing today", he added. According to the flight plan, the spacecraft was to end its journey in the Indian Ocean.

The head of SpaceX acknowledged that his rocket would have to carry out hundreds of unmanned missions before eventually carrying its first humans.

Take-off for this third test flight took place shortly after 8 a.m. local time (2 p.m. in Switzerland) from SpaceX's "Starbase" spaceport in Boca Chica, in the far south of Texas, and lasted almost half an hour. The flight nevertheless enabled the spacecraft to reach low-Earth orbit for the first time.

Putting mankind on Mars

At 120 metres high, Starship is the world's largest rocket. It is also the most powerful. SpaceX is counting on it to achieve its stated goal: to make humankind a multi-planetary species by putting it on Mars.

Its development is also very important for NASA, which is counting on this spacecraft to land its astronauts on the Moon during its mission. Artemis IIIscheduled for 2026.

The rocket has two stages: the Super Heavy propulsion stage and, above it, the Starship, which by extension gives its name to the entire rocket.

Two unsuccessful tests

The last test took place four months ago. The two stages of the rocket separated successfully in flight for the first time, but then both exploded. The flights lasted just four minutes in the first test and eight minutes in the second.

However, the spacecraft had reached an altitude of around 150 kilometres, crossing the boundary of space.

SpaceX then proposed 17 "corrective measures" to the US aviation regulator, the FAA, which had to be put in place in order to obtain a new flight licence, which was finally obtained on Wednesday.

"Ambitious objectives

For this third test, SpaceX had said it wanted to achieve several "ambitious objectives". One of these was to carry out a "controlled re-entry" of the spacecraft, which should have fallen back into the Indian Ocean to end the test after about an hour.

SpaceX also wanted to test the opening of the hatch, which could be used in the future to release cargo, such as satellites, into space.

The company also wanted to "demonstrate a fuel transfer" in flight. According to the specialist press, this transfer should have taken place between two tanks inside the spacecraft. Developing this function is essential, because to reach the Moon, Starship will have to refuel once in space, using a vessel that has already been filled by others, and acting as a kind of space service station.

In addition to its inordinate size, Starship's real innovation is that it should eventually be fully reusable. Currently, only the first stage of the Falcon 9 rocket returns to land after each launch to be reused.

Text by RTS afp/juma

Twitter becomes "X", Elon Musk announces a change of name and logo for the social network

Gone is the little blue bird, 'X' replaces Twitter and the social network becomes accessible from the address 'x.com'.

MEDIA - "X". This is the incomplete message published by Elon Musk in the early hours of Monday 24 July to announce Twitter's new name and logo. The social network is thus living out its final hours in this form and is set to undergo a complete identity change: no more blue and no more bird. At 11am on Monday, the application's logo had already become an "X" on a black background.

Several months ago, the whimsical businessman and SpaceX boss announced that he wanted to turn Twitter into an "X", in homage to his favourite letter, as reported by the online media Numerama.

On Saturday evening, the project gathered pace when the billionaire tweeted: "we'll soon be saying goodbye to the Twitter brand and, gradually, to all the birds".before suggesting that the new logo could be a " X ".

The new logo projected onto the headquarters in San Francisco

On Sunday, playing with suspense, he pinned to his Twitter profile a video posted by a user of the platform showing the current Twitter logo, a blue bird, replaced by a flashing X. "If a good enough X logo is posted tonight, we'll put it online worldwide tomorrow".he added.

Linda Yaccarino, Twitter's new CEO since May, has confirmed this project. X will create "a global marketplace for ideas, goods, services and opportunities".she said on her account on Monday, adding: "Powered by AI, X will connect us all in ways we've only just begun to imagine".. She also posted an image of the new logo projected onto Twitter's headquarters in San Francisco.

After buying Twitter last year for 44 billion dollars, Elon Musk changed the name of the company to "X Corp in April 2023, and regularly mentions its nebulous plans to transform it into a multi-faceted application, with financial services, like WeChat in China.

Tweets become 'X's

In response to a question from an Internet user asking whether Twitter would be accessible from the x.com address, Elon Musk replied: "Of course. X.com was the name and website of the online bank founded by the businessman which later became the online payment service PayPal.

Asked by another user, Musk also said that tweets would be called Xs after the name change.

The name change comes at a time of difficulty for Twitter, where Elon Musk has laid off around half the staff and advertising revenues have halved, according to the billionaire. The social network faces a myriad of competing applications, including newcomer Threads, launched by Meta.

Text by Le HuffPost with AFP

"No hands!" Elon Musk posts a video of a monkey playing a video game via a brain implant

TECHNOLOGY "Soon our monkeys will be on Twitch and Discord haha", tweeted the billionaire entrepreneur

The video has already been viewed more than 300,000 times. On Friday, the American billionaire Elon Musk posted a video on his Twitter account of a monkey playing the video game Pong with no controller other than the power of its brain, thanks to a connected chip implanted in its skull by the start-up Neuralink.

"A monkey plays a video game telepathically thanks to a chip in its brain", tweeted the futuristic entrepreneur, boss of Neuralink and founder of Tesla and SpaceX. "Soon our monkeys will be on Twitch and Discord haha", he added.

In the video, Pager the macaque can be seen using his eyes to control the movements of a racket to prevent the ball from falling into the void, as you might do with a joystick, a touch screen or the arrows on a keyboard.

"Helping people who are paralysed or suffer from neurological diseases".

The aim of the operation is to unveil Neuralink's potential to the general public. "The first Neuralink products will enable a paralysed person to use their smartphone by thought faster than someone using their fingers," said Elon Musk. He hopes that Neuralink's chips will initially be used to help people who are paralysed or suffering from neurological diseases. But the long-term goal is to make the implants so safe, reliable and simple that they would be elective (comfort) surgery.

 Last August, the start-up presented pigs to which she had implanted the prototype wireless chip23 mm in diameter and 8 mm thick (like a small coin).

Other brain-machine interfaces are currently being developed. Facebook is funding a project to translate brain activity into words, using algorithms, to enable people rendered mute by neurodegenerative diseases to speak again.

Le vol du Starship SN11 de SpaceX s’est encore mal terminé

SpaceX n’a pas réussi à faire atterrir correctement son prototype Starship SN11. C’est la quatrième tentative non concluante de l’entreprise américaine.

Attendu initialement le 26 mars, puis le 29, c’est finalement le 30 mars que le nouvel essai d’un prototype du vaisseau spatial Starship a été organisé par SpaceX. Mais alors que le vol aurait pu tourner la page des précédents essais, qui se sont tous finis d’une façon ou d’une autre par une explosion, soit directement à l’atterrissage, soit quelques minutes après, les choses ne se sont pas passées comme prévu.

Les circonstances de la perte du prototype SN11 ne sont pas encore très claires. Il faut dire que les conditions météorologiques étaient franchement mauvaises, empêchant d’avoir une vue dégagée sur le lanceur — un brouillard s’était installé à Boca Chica, au Texas, pile le jour du tir expérimental. Et pour ne rien arranger, la diffusion en direct fournie par SpaceX a été tout aussi médiocre, avec des saccades et des interruptions.


C’est de toute évidence au cours de la seconde moitié du vol que le prototype SN11 a fait face à un imprévu : la fusée a pu décoller normalement de son pas de tir, atteindre l’altitude désirée, éteindre l’un après l’autre chacun des trois moteurs Raptor, et basculer sur le flanc pour procéder à son retour sur Terre. On a pu le constater dans les quelques moments où la vidéo arrivait à afficher une image.

Or, alors que Starship SN11 poursuivait sa phase de descente, avec les quatre ailerons sur les flancs ajustant l’aérodynamisme de la fusée, c’est manifestement au moment où devait survenir le redressement de la fusée en position verticale qu’il y a eu un problème. La vidéo ne montre rien, mais, à un kilomètre d’altitude, les moteurs se sont rallumés. C’est alors qu’un bruit inhabituel a pu être entendu.

La fusée s’est-elle désintégrée en vol ou si elle a explosé en touchant le sol ? À en croire Elon Musk, c’est le deuxième scénario qui s’est joué : « Au moins, le cratère est au bon endroit ! », a-t-il écrit sur Twitter. Une première piste partagée par l’entrepreneur suggère que c’est le moteur n°2 qui a rencontré des problèmes, et cela dès l’ascension de la fusée — ce qu’il était difficile de constater, faute d’un direct convenable.

Il semble que le moteur 2 ait eu des problèmes lors de l’ascension et n’ait pas atteint le niveau de pression de fonctionnement de la chambre lors de la combustion à l’atterrissage, mais, en théorie, ce n’était pas nécessaire », poursuit le fondateur de SpaceX. « Quelque chose d’important s’est produit peu après le début de la combustion de l’atterrissage », ajoute-t-il, évoquant des débris éparpillés sur le site.

Dans la séquence ci-dessous, on entend plus clairement une énorme explosion au niveau du site d’essai, puis une pluie de débris qui tombe du ciel. Compte tenu de la direction des objets, l’hypothèse d’une explosion à distance, alors que la fusée était encore en l’air, a été avancée. En effet, les éclats ne proviennent a priori pas du pas de tir — c’est-à-dire d’en face, dans la vidéo intégrée au tweet.

La bonne nouvelle, manifestement, c’est que SpaceX semble maîtriser la majeure partie des manœuvres attendues du Starship, du moins celles exécutées dans le cadre de ses essais (des bonds qui ne vont pas au-delà de 10 ou 20 kilomètres d’altitude, pour tester les dernières étapes du retour sur Terre, avec un nombre limité de moteurs Raptor). Cela, y compris alors que le moteur 2 a rencontré un pépin.

Néanmoins, l’entreprise bute toujours sur la phase finale de ses allers-retours, lorsque la fusée doit décélérer suffisamment fort pour ne pas atterrir lourdement sur le pas de tir. Il s’agit-là de l’étape la plus périlleuse, car elle nécessite de rebasculer rapidement la fusée en position verticale, tout en visant la zone d’atterrissage. Mais au moins, SpaceX dispose des données de quatre essais identiques.

texte numerama.com by Julien Lausson

SpaceX gets America flying again

The launch of the SpaceX flight is a powerful symbol for American space exploration. The United States, which for nine years has depended on Russian launchers to send astronauts into space, has no shortage of projects in this area. While Trump is dreaming of the Moon by 2024, Elon Musk already has his sights set on Mars.

Source: La Croix