
Russia: Vladimir Putin accepts Kim Jong-un's invitation to visit North Korea

ALLIANCE Washington said on Wednesday it was "concerned" by the rapprochement between Moscow and Pyongyang

The romance between Moscow and Pyongyang continues. Russian President Vladimir Putin has agreed to visit North Korea at the invitation of its leader Kim Jong-un, who is currently visiting Russia to strengthen their military ties. For the time being, however, nothing has been officially announced about a possible agreement to deliver military equipment to Russia to support its offensive in Ukraine, as suggested by Washington.

Following a meeting on Wednesday, "Kim Jong-un courteously invited Putin to visit the DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) at his convenience", the official North Korean news agency KCNA reported on Thursday, using North Korea's official name. That same day, the North Korean leader assured Vladimir Putin that Moscow would win a "great victory" over its enemies.

Prospects" for military cooperation

For his part, Putin toasted the "future strengthening of cooperation" with Pyongyang, speaking to the press about the "prospects" for military cooperation with North Korea despite the international sanctions.

Following the North Korean leader's arrival in Russia on Tuesday aboard his armoured train, Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin visited facilities at the Vostotchny cosmodrome in the Far East, which was completed in 2016 and will eventually replace the historic Baikonur space base. They then held official discussions lasting around two hours with their delegations and on a one-to-one basis. Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Industry Minister Denis Manturov took part in the discussions.

According to Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un will also attend a "demonstration" by the Russian navy in the Pacific in Vladivostok. The North Korean leader will also visit "civil and military" aeronautical equipment factories in the Far East, according to the Russian head of state.

Washington threatens new sanctions

The US has expressed "concern" that Russia is interested in buying North Korean munitions to support its invasion of Ukraine. "We are obviously concerned about any emerging defence relationship between North Korea and Russia," said National Security Council spokesman John Kirby.

In Vostotchny, Vladimir Putin raised the possibility of Russia helping Pyongyang to build satellites, after North Korea recently failed twice to put a military spy satellite into orbit. Matthew Miller, spokesman for the US State Department, expressed concern that any cooperation on satellites would be "in violation of several UN resolutions". The US "will not hesitate" to impose sanctions against Pyongyang and Moscow if necessary, he warned.

Text by 20 Minutes with AFP

Trump plaide non coupable de tentative de manipulation d’élection

L’ex-président américain Donald Trump a plaidé non coupable, selon un document judiciaire déposé jeudi. Il est inculpé de tentative d’inverser le résultat de la présidentielle de 2020 dans l’Etat de Géorgie.

Il s’agit du quatrième dossier pénal dans lequel est poursuivi le magnat, qui brigue de nouveau la Maison Blanche et reste le favori pour les primaires républicaines. La date de son procès dans cette affaire n’a pas encore été fixée.

Convoqué le 6 septembre pour sa mise en accusation publique en Géorgie, l’ex-président a indiqué dans le document judiciaire qu’il renonçait à son droit d’apparaître devant le juge et ne devrait donc pas se déplacer de nouveau à Atlanta.

M. Trump et 18 autres personnes, dont son ancien avocat Rudy Giuliani, ont été inculpés mi-août de tentatives illicites d’obtenir l’inversion du résultat de l’élection de 2020 dans cet Etat clé, remporté par l’actuel président démocrate Joe Biden.

La loi sur la délinquance en bande organisée, utilisée par la procureure dans ce dossier, prévoit des peines de cinq à vingt ans de prison.

Dans ce dossier, Donald Trump a dû se rendre la semaine dernière dans une prison d’Atlanta pour être fiché. Il y a été soumis à une prise de photo d’identité judiciaire, une première pour un ancien président américain, avant de rapidement repartir.

Marathon judiciaire

Le septuagénaire est en outre accusé à New York de paiements suspects à une ancienne actrice de films X, et par la justice fédérale de pressions électorales lors de la présidentielle de 2020 ainsi que de gestion négligente de documents confidentiels après son départ de la Maison Blanche.

L’ancien président a plaidé non coupable dans toutes ces affaires. Il attribue systématiquement ses déboires judiciaires à l’administration Biden, qu’il accuse d' »ingérence électorale » pour lui barrer la route à la Maison Blanche. Joe Biden est également candidat pour la prochaine présidentielle.

« Je n’ai rien fait de mal » en remettant en cause les résultats de la présidentielle de 2020, a martelé le tribun.

Le tempétueux républicain s’apprête en tout cas à vivre une année 2024 hors norme, entre campagne électorale et plusieurs procès, en mars et en mai – un calendrier qui pourrait encore évoluer. La présidentielle se tiendra elle en novembre.

Paradoxalement, chaque rebondissement judiciaire lui rapporte des millions de dollars en dons de campagne, versés par des trumpistes convaincus qu’il est victime d’une cabale politique.

Text by Keystone-ATS

Germany to deliver Leopard 2 tanks to Kiev

According to Der Spiegel, Olaf Scholz will give the green light to this delivery, as requested by Kiev.

Germany is to supply Ukraine with Leopard 2 tanks, as requested by Kiev, two German media reported on Tuesday evening. For its part, the United States may agree to supply Abrams tanks, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz is expected to give the go-ahead, probably on Wednesday, for the dispatch of German Leopard 2 type 2A6 tanks, according to Le Spiegel on its website, without citing a source. The media outlet adds that this involves "at least one company", i.e. at least ten heavy tanks. The NTV news channel, quoting sources close to the government, also reports that the German Chancellor, who has been under pressure for several weeks to give his agreement, is preparing to announce it.

World-renowned weapon

When questioned by AFP, the Social Democrat Chancellor's entourage declined to comment on Tuesday evening. The German leader, who is due to address the Bundestag, the lower house of the German parliament, at 12:00 GMT on Wednesday, would also give his agreement to countries, including Poland, that wish to deliver Leopard 2 tanks to Kiev, according to these media.

The Leopard 2 heavy tank, which Ukraine has been demanding for months from Germany and the West, is a world-renowned weapon with the potential to have a "significant" impact on the battlefield, according to experts. Designed by German manufacturer Krauss-Maffei and mass-produced from the late 1970s onwards to replace the American M48 Patton tank and then the Leopard 1 tank, the Leopard 2 combines firepower, mobility and protection.

Finland and Poland ready to do it

In Berlin, German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius said on Wednesday morning that he had "expressly encouraged partner countries that have Leopard tanks ready for deployment to train Ukrainian forces on these tanks".

So far, Finland and Poland have said they are ready to do so. Warsaw, which wants to create a "coalition of countries supporting Ukraine with Leopard 2″ tanks, has officially sent a request to this effect, the receipt of which was confirmed by Berlin on Tuesday.

"We will deal with the request as a matter of urgency in accordance with the procedure laid down", a German government spokesman said on Tuesday.


Iran: l’ONU accuse les autorités de «meurtres d’Etat» contre des manifestants

Les exécutions des manifestants sont une arme utilisée par le régime iranien. C’est l’accusation lancée par le Haut commissaire aux droits de l’homme.

L’ONU estime que les quatre exécutions de manifestants iraniens ces dernières semaines équivalent à des «meurtres d’Etat». Le Haut commissaire aux droits de l’homme Volker Türk a accusé mardi à Genève le régime islamique d’utiliser la peine capitale comme «une arme».

Les procès inéquitables n’ont pas répondu aux règles internationales en termes de droits humains, affirme-t-il. Selon lui, le gouvernement ferait mieux d’écouter les griefs de la population et de garantir les libertés fondamentales. Le Haut commissaire a réitéré son appel à un «moratoire immédiat» sur les exécutions.

Le Haut-Commissariat dénonce notamment une application de dispositions pénales vagues, le refus d’un accès à un avocat librement choisi ou des aveux contraints sous la torture. L’absence de la présomption d’innocence et le manque de possibilités de faire appel sont également ciblés. De même, la peine capitale a été imposée pour des crimes qui ne la justifient pas, insiste M. Türk. Elle doit être appliquée aux seules infractions d’extrême gravité comme des homicides volontaires.

Les quatre personnes exécutées l’ont été en secret, sans que leurs proches n’en soient informés. Cette approche viole le droit international, selon l’ONU. Près d’une vingtaine de manifestants supplémentaires auraient été condamnés à cette sentence, dont au moins une femme et deux personnes qui pourraient être exécutées prochainement, et plus d’une centaine pourraient y faire face.

Dispositif appliqué par les autorités

L’Iran a de son côté menacé mardi de punir «fermement» les personnes enfreignant la loi stricte sur le port du voile dans la répression des manifestations, prévoyant d’importants dispositifs contre celles-ci, selon un adjoint du procureur général. La justice du pays a annoncé une nouvelle condamnation à la peine capitale. Le Haut commissaire doit avoir une réunion prochainement à Genève avec les autorités iraniennes.

Texte by PAR KEYSTONE – ATS / le nouvelliste.ch

En Italie, l’extrême droite remporte une victoire historique

Fratelli d’Italia de Giorgia Meloni a remporté près d’un quart des voix lors des élections législatives ce dimanche. La coalition que le parti post-fasciste forme avec la Ligue de Matteo Salvini et Forza Italia de Silvio Berlusconi devrait obtenir la majorité absolue au Parlement.

La coalition que Fratelli d’Italia forme avec l’autre formation d’extrême droite, la Ligue de Matteo Salvini, et Forza Italia, le parti conservateur de Silvio Berlusconi, raflerait jusqu’à 47 % des suffrages. Avec le jeu complexe du système électoral, elle devrait s’assurer la majorité absolue des sièges aussi bien à la Chambre des Députés qu’au Sénat. Si ces résultats se confirmaient, FdI et la Ligue remporteraient ensemble « le pourcentage le plus élevé de votes jamais enregistré par des partis d’extrême droite dans l’histoire de l’Europe occidentale de 1945 à aujourd’hui », a relevé le Centre italien d’Etudes électorales (CISE).

Ce séisme intervient deux semaines après celui qui, en Suède, a vu la victoire d’un bloc conservateur comprenant les Démocrates de Suède (SD), parti issu de la mouvance néonazie qui a réalisé une forte percée, devenant la première formation de droite du pays nordique. SD et FdI font partie du même groupe au Parlement européen. Dans ce qui a été (mal) perçu à Rome comme un avertissement sans frais, la présidente de la Commission européenne Ursula von der Leyen a rappelé que l’Union européenne (UE) disposait « d’instruments » pour sanctionner les Etats membres portant atteinte à l’Etat de droit et à ses valeurs communes.


Giorgia Meloni a prévenu Bruxelles qu’elle exigerait de revoir les termes de la relation de l’Italie avec l’UE : « La fête est finie, l’Italie va commencer à défendre ses intérêts nationaux », a-t-elle mis en garde. Elle réclame notamment une réforme du pacte de stabilité et la renégociation, pour tenir compte de l’inflation, de l’aide colossale de 190 milliards d’euros octroyée par ses partenaires européens à la troisième économie de la zone euro pour se relancer après la pandémie.

Les Européens s’alarment aussi des positions sur les questions de société de « la Meloni », comme on l’appelle en Italie, dont la devise est « Dieu, famille, patrie », et qui est proche du Premier ministre hongrois ultraconservateur Viktor Orban. Fratelli d’Italia doit son succès autant aux promesses non tenues de ses adversaires et au vent de « dégagisme » qui souffle sur la Péninsule qu’au charisme de sa dirigeante. Cette Romaine de 45 ans qui, jeune militante, disait admirer Mussolini, est parvenue à dédiaboliser son image et rassembler sur son nom les peurs et les colères de millions d’Italiens face à la flambée des prix, le chômage, les menaces de récession ou l’incurie des services publics.

Quel que soit le gouvernement italien issu des élections, qui ne prendra ses fonctions qu’au plus tôt fin octobre, son chemin apparaît d’ores déjà semé d’embûches et sans grande marge de manœuvre. Il devra notamment gérer la crise causée par l’inflation galopante, alors que l’Italie croule déjà sous une dette représentant 150 % du PIB, le ratio le plus élevé de la zone euro derrière la Grèce. Dans le dossier ukrainien, l’Europe et les alliés de l’Italie, membre de l’Otan, scruteront également la répartition des portefeuilles entre les trois partis. Car si Giorgia Meloni est atlantiste et soutient les sanctions frappant Moscou, Matteo Salvini s’y oppose.

Texte Par L’Obs.fr

"Partygate: Boris Johnson under fire despite new apology

The British Prime Minister made an "unreserved" apology to Parliament, without convincing the opposition.

UNITED KINGDOM - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson apologised "unreservedly" to Parliament on Tuesday 19 April after being fined for breaching anti-Covid restrictions, without convincing the opposition, which has once again called for his resignation.

Boris Johnson said it "did not occur to him at the time or subsequently" that his attendance at a brief birthday rally in Downing Street in June 2020 "might constitute a breach of the rules" then in force. "That was my mistake and I apologise unreservedly".

Boris Johnson is the first serving British head of government to be fined for breaking the law, and he faces further fines as part of the investigation into "partygate", the name of the scandal surrounding the parties organised in the circles of power during the confinements put in place to combat the pandemic.

The Conservative leader was addressing MPs for the first time since being fined £50 (€60) a week ago for attending the surprise birthday party for his 56th birthday on 19 June 2020. An event lasting "less than 10 minutes", according to him, which also earned his wife Carrie and his finance minister Rishi Sunak a fine.

"I respect the conclusions of the police investigation, which is still ongoing", added the Prime Minister.

On Tuesday, however, he tried to play down the scandal that is infuriating the British people by spending a few minutes talking about the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

"I know many people are angry and disappointed and I feel an even greater obligation to respect British priorities and respond to (Russian President Vladimir) Putin's barbaric attack on Ukraine.

A second wind

For a time on an ejector seat, "BoJo" got his second wind by highlighting his role in the front line of Western sanctions against Russia after the invasion of Ukraine. Many MPs who had called for him to step down now see little point in ousting him from Downing Street in this context.

However, Labour opposition leader Keir Starmer said on Tuesday that the Conservative leader was "dishonest and incapable of change". Boris Johnson is "a man without shame", he said, urging the Conservatives to get rid of their leader and restore "decency, honesty and integrity" to British politics.

The head of government also came in for sharp criticism from within his own camp, with Conservative MP Mark Harper saying he was no longer "fit" to be Prime Minister.

The soap opera seems far from over. The London police, who have already handed out 50 fines, are continuing their investigations and British MPs will be debating on Thursday whether Boris Johnson knowingly misled Parliament - synonymous with resignation under the ministerial code of conduct - by repeating that all the rules had been respected. 

The Prime Minister will also have to face up to the conclusions of senior civil servant Sue Gray, who has already criticised "errors of leadership and judgement" in a pre-report. He must also face the verdict of the ballot box in local elections on 5 May.

According to the press, Boris Johnson faces further fines for at least five other festive events.

Downing Street was keen to deny this after new details emerged in the Sunday Timeswho described him serving drinks and giving a speech to mark the departure of his head of communications on 13 November 2020.

According to a survey published on Monday, 72% of those polled had a negative view of the Prime Minister, with the most common term being "liar".

Text by AFP huffingtonpost.fr


Thomas Pesquet

Former midfielder Xavi Hernandez officially became Barcelona's new coach on Monday. At his official presentation at the Camp Nou, Hernandez said he wanted to lead the club out of a "difficult situation".

Thomas Pesquet
And so ends the second mission in space of his career: Frenchman Thomas Pesquet returned to Earth on Monday night, after a six-month stay in orbit on the International Space Station that ended with a successful water landing off the coast of Florida.

Even if we kept the new promises made at Cop26, we would still be a long way off the mark.
Commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 will not be enough.
The first week of the Cop26 climate conference saw a series of announcements from countries promising to do more to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but it is difficult at this stage to assess their impact on future warming.

Faced with the Taliban, Afghan women are torn between fear and resignation

As a sad symbol, burqa sellers achieved record sales in Kabul on Tuesday, where women are anticipating restrictions on their freedoms.

AFGHANISTAN - Women were in short supply on the streets of Afghanistan on Tuesday 17 August, the day after the Taliban took power.

Women fear a return to the same type of fundamentalist regime that they experienced under the Taliban from 1996 to 2001. At that time, women were forbidden to go out without a male chaperone and to work, while girls were forbidden to go to school.

Women accused of crimes such as adultery were whipped and stoned to death. Games, music, photography and television were banned. Thieves had their hands cut off, murderers were publicly executed and homosexuals were killed.

As a sad symbol, burqa vendors in Kabul on Tuesday posted record sales, as CNN journalist Clarissa Ward saw for herself. Women are already anticipating the new restrictions on their freedom.

Yet on Tuesday, there was no sign that the Taliban had reintroduced or intended to impose the same ultra-rigorist version of Islamic law as twenty years ago. But no one seemed willing to take the risk. "People are afraid of the unknown", said one shopkeeper, who wished to remain anonymous. "The Taliban patrol the town in small convoys. They don't bother anyone, but of course people are afraid", he added.

A brief demonstration in Kabul

In the Afghan capital, a handful of women demonstrated their opposition to the new regime on Tuesday. Images posted on social networks showed a brief gathering outside the entrance to the Green Zone to demand the right to return to work there as cooks or cleaners. Taliban in lorries tried in vain to disperse them before they were persuaded by civilians to leave.

In Herat, women also fear for their freedoms. In the country's third largest city, a school for women has been able to reopen, but all the pupils now wear the hijab and wonder how much longer they will be able to continue studying. 

The Taliban have tried to reassure the population through various media appearances. On Sky News, insurgent spokesman Suhail Shaheen said on Monday evening that women need not fear any threats.

"Their right to education is also protected", he said. However, the Taliban remain vague about how they intend to govern Afghanistan.

Text by Le HuffPost with AFP

Le Parlement français adopte la loi d’application du « pass sanitaire »

Au lendemain d’une nouvelle journée de mobilisation de ses opposants, le pass sanitaire anti-Covid a été adopté définitivement dimanche soir en France. Députés et sénateurs sont parvenus à un accord de principe sur ce texte controversé.

L’Assemblée nationale a mis fin au marathon parlementaire entamé mardi par un large vote, avec 156 voix pour, celles de la majorité et de la droite, 60 contre, venues de la gauche et du Rassemblement national, et 14 abstentions.

L’Assemblée nationale a mis fin au marathon parlementaire entamé mardi par un large vote, avec 156 voix pour, celles de la majorité et de la droite, 60 contre, venues de la gauche et du Rassemblement national, et 14 abstentions.

Le chef de file des députés La France insoumise Jean-Luc Mélenchon a défendu en vain une ultime motion de rejet, dénonçant une « liberté conditionnelle » avec le pass anti-Covid, et invitant à « désobéir ». Un brin provocateur, le ministre de la Santé Olivier Véran s’est lui félicité de « l’unité nationale retrouvée », après 60 heures d’échanges au total dans les deux chambres.

L’Assemblée nationale a mis fin au marathon parlementaire entamé mardi par un large vote, avec 156 voix pour, celles de la majorité et de la droite, 60 contre, venues de la gauche et du Rassemblement national, et 14 abstentions.

Le chef de file des députés La France insoumise Jean-Luc Mélenchon a défendu en vain une ultime motion de rejet, dénonçant une « liberté conditionnelle » avec le pass anti-Covid, et invitant à « désobéir ». Un brin provocateur, le ministre de la Santé Olivier Véran s’est lui félicité de « l’unité nationale retrouvée », après 60 heures d’échanges au total dans les deux chambres.

Limitation dans le temps

Car peu avant, c’était le Sénat, dominé par la droite, qui avait approuvé par 195 voix pour, 129 contre et 17 abstentions le même texte prévoyant le pass étendu et aussi l’obligation vaccinale pour les soignants. En commission mixte, 14 députés et sénateurs avaient trouvé un accord (lire aussi encadré) en début de soirée, au bout de près de quatre heures de réunion.

Ainsi au-delà du 15 novembre, le dispositif de pass ne pourra se poursuivre qu’avec un nouveau vote du Parlement. Les contrôles relèveront de la police administrative et non du pénal dans un premier temps.

Pas de licenciements pour les soignants

En outre, comme le souhaitaient les sénateurs, c’est l’assurance maladie qui contrôlera en premier lieu l’isolement obligatoire pour les contaminés par le Covid-19, avant une intervention des forces de l’ordre en cas de besoin. « On ne pouvait pas traiter les Français comme des délinquants », selon le sénateur Hervé Marseille (Union centriste).

Enfin, il n’y aura pas de licenciement pour les personnes qui ne respecteraient pas l’obligation vaccinale du fait de leur profession mais une suspension du salaire. Ce point avait été âprement discuté.

Pass étendu début août

Procédure rare, un amendement gouvernemental de dernière minute autorisant de manière très encadrée les préfets à imposer le pass dans des grands centres commerciaux a été adopté en dernière minute. L’obligation de le présenter avait pourtant été biffée par le Sénat, une suppression approuvée ensuite par la Commission mixte paritaire.

Le pass étendu doit être appliqué début août. Le temps presse face à une flambée inédite en France des contaminations liée à la propagation du variant Delta du Covid-19, très contagieux. Le projet de loi doit encore passer le filtre du Conseil constitutionnel saisi par le Premier ministre Jean Castex et la gauche.

Texte by Le monde agences/jop/vajo/vic

Chloé Zhao's victory censored by China

While the historic victory of Chloé Zhao, who won the Oscar for Best Director for her film Nomadland, was reported in all the media in America, in China, her country of origin, there was no trace of her success. Experts attribute this reaction to China's desire to "erase" the filmmaker, who dared to criticise the Beijing regime eight years ago.

On Sunday evening, Chloé Zhao became the first woman of colour to be named best director for her feature film Nomadlandwhich itself won the Oscar for Best Film. A double victory celebrated here as in the United States in the name of diversity, which has been called for for years on both the small and the big screen. But in China, his country of origin, his victory was greeted with a repressive silence.

On Chinese social networks, articles and messages about the ceremony and Mme Zhao were quickly silenced. A keyword entitled "Chloé Zhao wins the Best Achievement Award" was censored from digital platforms. When users typed in the keyword, they were met with an error message stating that "in accordance with the laws, regulations and policies in force, the page cannot be found". The two state media, CCTV and Xinhua, also remained silent about his victory.

Not by chance

For researcher Gabrielle Gendron, of the Raoul-Dandurand Chair's Observatory of Multidimensional Conflicts, it is no coincidence that this event is taking place just a few months before the 100th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.e anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party, on 1er July.


"In the run-up to the centenary, China has set in motion a series of political defences to strengthen the loyalty and unity [of its citizens] around the Communist Party", explains Mr. Kouchner.me Gendron. For example, the Chinese authorities have ordered cinemas to show at least two propaganda films a week by the end of the year. They have also encouraged the public to denounce "malicious defamation, attacks and distortions" against China.

On the one hand, Beijing is much quicker with its repression and censorship, and on the other, Chloé Zhao represents treachery in China's eyes.

Researcher Gabrielle Gendron

She is referring to the controversy caused by the director last March. Remarks she made to the American magazine Filmmaker in 2013, describing China as a country "where there are lies everywhere", resurfaced in the midst of the promotional campaign for his film.

"I suddenly went to England and relearned my history. Studying political science at a liberal university was a way for me to understand what was real," she told Filmmaker.

The initial release date of Nomadland in China was 23 April, but the film was never released in cinemas.

"It could have been China's child prodigy. It only took one criticism for it to become a political tool to rally the Chinese people under the Communist government", notes Mme Gendron.

Deleted from social networks

Beijing's reaction comes as no surprise to Guy Saint-Jacques, Canada's former ambassador to China. It is part of a decade of authoritarian repression, marked by Xi Jinping's rise to power. "Before 2013, citizens could still express personal opinions. Today, the government would make their lives unbearable", says the diplomat.

And that's what he believes happened to Chloé Zhao. Not only has she become a persona non grata in the eyes of the Chinese government, but the latter has completely erased it from social networks.

A post announcing the director's victory published by the film magazine Watch Movieswhich has over 14 million followers on the Weibo social network, was censored a few hours after it was published on Monday morning. Doubanan application popular with film fans, has banned searches for Nomadland, stating that "the search results could not be displayed in accordance with the laws and regulations in force".

The Chinese regime is extremely authoritarian, but it is also very effective. It can literally wipe out a person's existence.

Guy Saint-Jacques, former Canadian ambassador to China

On social networks, users were creative in congratulating the filmmaker. Some used the initials "zt" (Zhao Ting, her full name in Chinese) to evade the censors.

Tense Sino-American relations

During her acceptance speech on the stage set up at Los Angeles' Union Station, Chloé Zhao quoted a line from a poem she had memorised with her father when she was a child, which translates as: "People, at birth, are good."

For London-based journalist and China specialist Amy Hawkins, Mme Zhao testifies that a dialogue between the United States and China is still possible. "The Chinese government and the recent Trump administration have pushed China and the West into increasingly polarised political spheres. Chloé Zhao's success in the West and her adoption by Hollywood undermine the Chinese government's claim that America is fundamentally hostile to the Chinese people," she says.

In this regard, the Global Timesa conservative Chinese newspaper, broke the media silence on Monday by urging Mr. Mme Zhao to play a "mediating role" between China and the US and "avoid being a point of friction". "We hope that she can become increasingly mature", wrote the newspaper in an editorial that is no longer accessible.